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Wanna Greens® is a type of aquatic plant called Wolffia, which belongs to the water lentil family. It is the world’s tiniest vegetable and is rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other essential phytonutrients.
Wanna Greens® is like taking a breath of fresh air after the rain, only with taste. Their mild fresh flavor and fun texture make them a perfect addition to any meal or snack.
We cultivate our wonder greens in an indoor, self-sufficient farm created by GreenOnyx. This state-of-the-art farming platform preserves the freshness of our tiny vegetables from seed to plate, giving you the taste of just-picked greens with every bite. The entire process is conducted in a sterile environment with no human involvement.
Growing Wanna Greens at home is not recommended for food safety reasons since it is particularly sensitive to contamination in open environments. To maintain the highest quality and safety, we cultivate them in a controlled, sterile farm. We are exploring the possibility of developing a miniature system for our customers, but this option is not yet available.
Wanna Greens is not currently certified as organic; however, it is non-GMO and entirely free from pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, or any other harmful chemicals. We are presently in the process of obtaining certifications for both non-GMO and Glyphosate-free status.
Wanna Greens® makes it easier for you to eat more nutrient-rich leafy greens, which benefit your body in numerous ways, including strengthening your cells, preventing illness, and promoting longevity. With its outstanding nutritional value per calorie, it contains more iron than spinach, higher zinc levels than kale, and more potassium than any other vegetable.
Wanna Greens® are like hugs and vacations: you can never have too many! Two tablespoons a day is a good start, but mixing more into your meals can boost your health even further.
Like any other leafy green, frying, cooking, or steaming takes away some of its nutritional value. Therefore, adding Wanna Greens® just before serving is the best way to take advantage of their nutrient-rich goodness.
Don’t be deceived by the ice cream pint packaging – Wanna Greens® don’t belong in the freezer! While refrigeration maintains their freshness and nutrients for up to six weeks, freezing harms their texture, flavor, and nutritional value.
Wanna Greens® is a type of aquatic plant known as Wolffia Arrhiza, belonging to the water lentil family. This unique plant is also called Spotless Watermeal and Rootless Duckweed.
Wanna Greens® is an excellent choice for pregnant women. We grow them under strictly sterile conditions, ensuring they are free from any harmful substances such as pathogens, pesticides, and heavy metals. Additionally, these greens are rich in essential nutrients such as Iron, Omega-3, and B vitamins that are highly recommended during pregnancy.
Wanna Greens® is the ultimate culinary chameleon – it can be added to any recipe, giving it a healthier twist! From appetizers to desserts, add Wanna Greens® just before serving to keep the flavor and nutritional value at its peak. Check out our inspiration page for tasty ideas to inspire your next meal!
Check out the bottom of the package, where you’ll find the manufacture date. You can enjoy Wanna Greens® for up to six weeks after that date if you keep them chilled. Just be sure to resist the temptation to double-dip if you want to avoid contamination.
We’re here to help! If you have any questions or requests, feel free to contact us on WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Instagram, or via email. We’re available Sunday through Thursday from 10:00 to 17:00, but if you need assistance outside of those hours, feel free to contact us anyway. We’ll do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.
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